Thursday, June 2, 2011

Selfishness and the Pusuit of Happiness

Is it selfish to pursue happiness?  Joseph Smith said, "Happiness is the object and design of our existence."  The scriptures say, " are that they might have joy." 

Ayn Ran wrote a nonfiction book called, "The Virtue of Selfishness."  I know it's a shocking title.  I think that was on e of her points, but she makes a good case.

I believe that one of the most, maybe THE most selfish thing you can do is to go out of your way to serve others; to run around going multiple extra miles and doing as much as possible for as many people as possible.  Am I insane?  Maybe it will help if I refer to "enlightened self-interest" instead.  Think about it.   Who benefits most when you serve?  You do!  There's that instant sensation of well-being that translates to enduring joy.  Often there are other blessings that pop up out of nowhere.  Often we're paid based on our level of excellence in service.  And ultimately, heaven awaits him who loses himself in service to others.  Add it up.  Service is a great gig.  Can anyone really argue that this pursuit of happiness is evil?  When my route to happiness serves so many so well, how can it be bad, even though it led my self to happiness, and I wanted that happiness for myself.

God wants us, his children to make it home.  This will make him happy, just as I will be happy when my kids grow up if they make it home to see me periodically.  Is this a selfish (in the accepted, bad way) God, as he seeks to do all he can to get us back to make him happy?

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