Thursday, June 2, 2011

Charity vs. Legalized Mugging

The central premise of my philosophy is best illustrated by the following:

Let's say I happen to know a family that's in desperate need of food, healthcare, clothing, shelter, etc.  I also happen to know you and that you're considerably better off than that family.  Is it ok for me to mug you in some dark alley, if I give everything I take from you to that family?  Most people would say no.  But how is this different from the government taking our money by force through taxes?  Where does freedom or agency enter that equation?  Stealing is still stealing whether it's legal or not.  There may be merit to the idea that, we the American people allow it, or at least we're not doing much to change it, so we must want it, so it's ok.  But what about individuals, like me, who don't want it?

I believe in the holy mandate of charity.  I believe we're blessed for it; so much so that, when we give, it's a gain, not a loss to the giver; both because of the eternal rewards and the immediate happiness that accompanies such giving.  But I don't believe those blessings are available to us when the government acts in our stead; when it forces us to do right.  In fact, I think it's Satanic, not to mention unconstitutional.

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