Thursday, June 2, 2011

In a word, what's going wrong in America?

The word is covetousness.  The 10th commandment is, "Thou shalt not covet...anything that is thy neighbor's."  To covet is to desire.  This is the true definition of greed: the desire for the unearned.  It's this desire, this envy/jealousy that plagues America and, really, the world.

There is always someone who has more.  And we wish we had more; so it becomes ok to tax "the rich" because they have way more than they need.

Well, guess what.  Just as there's always someone who has more, there's also always someone who has less than you.  I lived in Brazil for 2 years and the vast, vast majority or people there would look, in fact, do look, upon our poorest here with envy.  It's all relative.

It's only a matter of time before they come after "poor" you and your money because compared to most of the world, you have way more than you need.  Actually, they've already come for you indirectly.  How do you think those "fatcats" in our country pay their taxes?  They add it to the price of the goods and services you're buying from them.  You're also paying for it via lost job opportunities because of the crippling effect high taxes and "regulation" have on the job creators.  You literally gain nothing from their suffering.  You only lose.  Unless you count what's taken from them through taxes and given to you as welfare.  But I don't think anyone would argue that the welfare life is better than the life you provide for yourself at a good job.

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