Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is why I'll vote Ron Paul again in 2012

Please, please click the above link and watch the video.

Many are with Ron Paul domestically but not when it comes to foreign policy.  This has become the "conventional wisdom."  The "cool kids" are all down with the idea that, as Rush put it today, RP's foreign policy ideas are, "tin hat."  From Rush to Hannity to Glenn Beck to Michelle Malkin et. al. that's their view of Ron Paul.

Well, watch the video and decide for yourself.  Then continue your research of RP and let's restore this country to its constitutional roots.

I voted for him in 2008 because I couldn't countenance McCain.  I now understand him even better and he may be the last hope for the Republic.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating.  Romney and his buds are the equivalent of turning the reins over to someone who will slightly slow our career toward the cliff, but still take us into the abyss.  We MUST do a 180 and run back toward the constitution.  RP will do that.  THAT'S what's brought this country to its unprecedented prosperity: the FREEDOM protected by the constitution.

My siblings, force doesn't work.  Freedom works.  Force is evil.  It's the essence of unrighteous dominion.  God forces no one.  Even if you are right, it's wrong to force anyone to do what is right.  That goes for individuals as well as countries.

Do I wish for more handouts for the poor, free healthcare, education, citizenship, food, $million/year jobs for everyone?  Do I feel like we all should be giving more, as the Savior would have us do?  Of course!  Where Dr. Paul and I differ from the rest of you and your candidates is that we know that you can't put a gun to anyone's head and force him to give, to do those things.

Well, that's what America has become.  The government points a gun at those who earn money, takes it from them via taxes, and proceeds to give it to those who didn't earn it.  I'm all for giving to the poor, but let me be free to choose to do it; and let me also be free not to do it, if I so choose.  THAT is God's way.  And that way brings blessings to the giver as well as the receiver.  Come on. You don't really think He blesses legalized government mugging, do you?

It's called freedom.  And it's our only hope.  It's the only thing that makes America different from the dictatorships of the world, whether they be socialist, communist, fascist or monarchist.  Instead of trying to be like the "cool kids" here or around the world, let's be ourselves.  Let's be Americans.  And freedom is what makes us uniquely Americans.

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