Saturday, May 26, 2012

Take Your Permit, License, etc. and Shove It

Recently, there was a story in the news about a local govt shutting down an ice cream shop in the name of the safety of the customers because the shop owner was in the middle of a remodel for which he had no permit.

Alright. Several red flags, here. This is the kind if thing that gets me foaming at the mouth. And the fact that many people can't see a problem with this kind of thing tells me all I need to know about their opinion of the constitution and their views on freedom and the principles of personal responsibility and ’live and let live.’

One red flag is that the ‘authority’ quoted seems a nice guy. We’ll continue to have problems as long as good people are willing to enforce or even support such regs. or laws or whatever. I’ve 2 bros. that are IRS agents. Both great guys; yet both aiding and abetting the murder of freedom.

I’m currently doubling the size of my deck. Don’t need no stinking permit. I’ve been a drywall contractor for over 10 years, 100s of happy customers, don’t need no stinking license.

 Lay aside whatever fancy title of the enforcer/lawmaker and the fact that there‘s some silly statute or law and all you’ve got is some dude claiming another dude needs his permission to do something.

Just because things like this have been going on for 150 years or more doesn't make it right.  We have a lot of bad habits that have become bad traditions.  It reminds me of a guy I once knew.  He worked at a dairy.  He actually said he was glad there was a federal regulator looking over his shoulder at the dairy.  This is just the sort of attitude, combined with the attitude of dairy customers who also are glad a fed reg guy is keeping an eye on the dairy, that has gradually diminished the wonderful freedoms our founders sought to protect and enshrine.  This evasion of personal responsibility, combined with voting, sovereign citizens, blithely ignorant and asleep at the switch, too busy to worry about the loss of their unalienable rights is why the constitution hangs by a thread.  And as it falls, so do all our wealth and prosperity.  Truly, we're killing the goose that laid the golden eggs; or at least standing by while the goose is getting it.

It‘s no one’s business but the producer/ice cream seller and the consumer/buyer of ice cream. Each has personal responsibility for his actions in the exchange of money for ice cream and vice versa. And guess what. Just like you can handle the responsibility….so can everyone else. But then if everyone truly believed as I do, the govt would be about a tenth of its size and America would be thriving, not dying.

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