Saturday, May 26, 2012

Forcing People to be Good

All of my arguments for freedom apply to the war on drugs, prostitution, gay marriage, etc. And this is what separates you conservatives from us libertarians. If someone is doing something or there is some kind of association or exchange going on that has nothing to do with me/isn’t hurting me or violating my rights, it’s not my business.
Like you, I have personal, socially conservative feelings about a lot of activities in which many people choose to engage. However, those feelings don’t give me the right to force anyone to do, or not do, anything. Don’t you see how the sword of force/coercion cuts both ways? If you argue for freedom in one case and against it in another, you can’t preserve freedom.
Think about it. If a friend were on drugs (or was engaging in prostitution or gay marriage) and you got everyone together for an ‘intervention.’ Afterward, your friend on drugs says he’s going to continue taking drugs. What? You’re going to chain him to the radiator in your basement? No. You wouldn’t/couldn’t. Yet the govt can and does.  Hmm….the govt gets its rights and power delegated to it from me. And yet it can do things I can’t do. How did it get those rights/that power? Answer that question and you‘ll begin to see how we’re all accessories to the murder of freedom and the constitution.

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